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GuiTreeViewCtrl "insertItem" unexpected behavior


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The code: http://hastebin.com/fivudaraje.coffee

When trying to run this script - the program crashes. When I ommit the inserting to the 9th child element it works fine. That tells me - that adding new subitem only works on the last created child to the root node. Is that expected behavior and I just missed to realise it? But how can I add a subitem to, let say, the 5th root element or the 9th like in the example?

Please give me a hint what I'm missing here!

greets Charlie!

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Can you modify line 4013 in guiTreeViewCtrl.cpp so it looks like:


if (parent->mNext && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() - 1 >= BmpLine)


and give it another shot?

Looks like when there's a valid item listed in mNext(so we go from a subItem to the next parent's child item) it's not properly vouching that the little line icon exists in the gui profile, so we get a crash.

Lemme know if that corrected it for you.

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Can you modify line 4013 in guiTreeViewCtrl.cpp so it looks like:


if (parent->mNext && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() - 1 >= BmpLine)


Making the whole block look like:


// Do we draw the tree lines?
   if( mFlags.test(ShowTreeLines) )
      drawRect.point.x += ( mTabSize * item->mTabLevel );
      Item* parent = item->mParent;
      for ( S32 i = item->mTabLevel; ( parent && i > 0 ); i-- )
         drawRect.point.x -= mTabSize;
         if (parent->mNext && mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() - 1 >= BmpLine)
            drawer->drawBitmapSR( mProfile->mTextureObject, drawRect.point, mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects[bmpLine] );
         parent = parent->mParent;


and give it another shot?

Looks like when there's a valid item listed in mNext(so we go from a subItem to the next parent's child item) it's not properly vouching that the little line icon exists in the gui profile, so we get a crash.

Lemme know if that corrected it for you.

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