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Troubleshooting 3.9


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The 3.9 Windows download under the first section of latest release is what is still giving me problems, yes Timmy.

Okay good to know Johxz :)

I did download the official release in that first section and tried it again, moving or renaming still breaks it. Tried using different zip programs and everything.

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hmmm shaders perhaps?

Try cleaning it, double click the file:

C:\Torque3DEngine\My Projects\Full\cleanShaders.bat

maybe it help cleaning yours options too:

C:\Torque3DEngine\My Projects\Full\DeletePrefs.bat

BTW I create this repo for my builds:


The last T3D v3.9 release can found here:


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core/scripts/client/lighting/shadowMaps/init.cs (0): Cannot re-declare object [blurDepthShader].

core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (25): Cannot re-declare object [AL_VectorLightState].

core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (61): Cannot re-declare object [AL_VectorLightShader].


Looks an awful lot like it's trying to execute things twice... would you happen to have a zip file along side your executeable or something along those lines?

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Okay, @Johxz, running the cleanup file threw a couple "could not" or something if I read them right as the lines of code flew by but it seems to have worked.

@Azaezel, I actually have this file structure within the main folder right now:


As you'll see, there is an [original] folder, I usually have that in there with the zip file Torque originated from, so I have a backup right there if I break something.

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BTW this error is very weird :lol:


Okay, @Johxz, running the cleanup file threw a couple "could not" or something if I read them right as the lines of code flew by but it seems to have worked.


Ok you resolve the issue? You can run the game without glitches graphics?


Comment a side....

You can add a "pause" command to the end of the file and see the output. Save and double click. This "could not" in this script is fine, I don't have the "cache" folder.


Added the pause command:



This scripts, is just to clean some preferences, shaders, cache, etc

The cleanup.bat, do everything. Include all the scripts on pic below except generateProject


Individual cleaning:


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Okay @Johxz it appears that my cleanup file when ran after adding the pause was identical to yours except for deleting four files. And yes, everything seems to be working as intended now ... *crosses fingers* but I would not bet money that it will stay that way haha.

I will do some moving and copying and cutting and stuff of the file from place to place to place and report back if anything changes. I don't know if the cleanup fixed it or removing my folder with the backup zip did. I guess if the problem shows up again we'll find out!

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Okay, @Johxz, running the cleanup file threw a couple "could not" or something if I read them right as the lines of code flew by but it seems to have worked.

@Azaezel, I actually have this file structure within the main folder right now:


As you'll see, there is an [original] folder, I usually have that in there with the zip file Torque originated from, so I have a backup right there if I break something.

I reproduced your bug.

I put an "original" folder in the Torque3d-3.9-bin directory (what I have it named as on my PC). I copied the zip file that I extracted that version of the engine from into the folder, then started it up.

Presto. Duplicate entries in level selection. Select a level and load it up, and broken graphics. Just like your picture.

I deleted the "original" folder and its contents (the zip file), and restarted Torque3D. Everything seems to be back to normal.

You need to store your backup zip entirely outside of the game engine's folder structure so it can't see it. Or it will screw everything up. ;)

Edit: Putting the zip in the parent folder that you have Torque3D in (e.g "D:/Development" in my case) does not seem to cause any problems. You just cannot put it inside of Torque3D's parent folder or any of its subfolders. (which for me is "D:/Development/Torque3d-3.9-bin")

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