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How do I start?


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Just so you know, Discord channel is a lot more active than the forums lately 🙂

What you are looking at is Torque3D, unlike Unity and Unreal Engine which has a very clear distinction between editor and game, Torque3D has the game and the engine merged so to speak.

So, if you click "Single Player" and start a game, and then click F11, then you will get all of the world building tools inside the current game session.

We have some documentation over here: Welcome! - Torque3D
Although it is pretty bare, it is being worked on and is actively improving.
I personally would suggest the following steps to get comfortable:

  1. Take a look at this page: What's the Torque3D Engine? - Torque3D
  2. Have a quick glance at TorqueScript - Torque3D to get a feel for the scripting language
  3. Having a look at the project manager: Torque Project Manager - Torque3D
  4. Playing around with the world editor, click all the buttons and see what happens 🙂
  5. Follow the tutorial that I wrote: Your First Game - Torque3D if you have any questions/feedback for that tutorial please let me know 🙂
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