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sky.dml to Cubemap...


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As i didn't find any information about how to modify the images to use with the cubemap data here are some hopefully useful information 😉

The images have to be rotated and added to CubemapData like this:

sky.dml Direction CubeFace-ID Rotation
pos_x RIGHT 0 270
neg_z BACK 2 180
neg_x LEFT 1 90
pos_z FRONT 3  
neg_y UP 4 270
pos_y DOWN 5 270
new CubemapData(greenFanCubemap)
   cubeFace[0] = "./pos_x.png";
   cubeFace[1] = "./neg_x.png";
   cubeFace[2] = "./neg_z.png";
   cubeFace[3] = "./pos_z.png";
   cubeFace[4] = "./neg_y.png";
   cubeFace[5] = "./pos_y.png";

I should write a little tool which does the rotation for me.      

Edit: done 😄


Download with Source-Code (Lazarus/freePascal): https://dl.ohmtal.com/files/CubeMapHelper.zip      
Edited by ohmtal
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Thank you ohmtal , Id like to see something like the rotation chart in the documentation  and the add-on is a great idea . but also , I try to recall an issue using skybox images not specifically meant for T3D and the different orientations and image arrangements one might encounter . do you know yet how the functions would handle that . maybe its less confusing than I feel it might be . seems I scarfed a few skyboxes from freeGameArt dot something . thx again

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Thank you for replies.

@Steve_Yorkshire me too 😉

@fLUnKnhaXYU  Sky box can't be use with ScatterSky and is bad for day/night since it does not change the color. It does not matter if the meant for T3D as long as it is a supported format for T3D (like png) and they should have all equal resolution - matters in OpenGL / Linux when I remember right. In the Tool you can also manually load the textures rotate and export them . I added some more views to see the match better. The Screenshot was old it looks like:



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