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Help "Crit & Splash" on Steam Greenlight


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Please, vote this game on greenlight! :oops:



"Crit & Splash" - MOBA shooter with gameplay like DOTA.


View from the first and third person.

Only ranged attack( no melee heroes ).

Headshot increases the damage.

Homing bullets.

Shoot down enemy bullets.

The presence of jumps and teleporters.

Neutral monsters with advanced intelligence.

Rune random abilities.

Acceleration and flight ( It requires energy ).

Leveling properties and modifiers attacks:

Properties: health, attack, attack speed, health regeneration and energy consumption.

Modifiers of attack: restoration of health from the damage, critical damage, splash damage, micro stunning.

Currently 5 ultimate abilities:

Stun Shot: damage and stun for one (two) enemy units.

Stun Bomb: damage and stunning enemy units in radius ( more enemy units - greater damage).

Laser Shot: damage all enemy units in its path.

Vacuum Bomb: sucks in enemy units and dealing periodic damage.

When collision with wall - stunning.

Teleport Shot: greater height of the fall after a teleport - greater damage. All enemies in radius

get damage and launched into the air.


Fall from neutral monsters:

random skill, double damage, increased attack speed, health regeneration, gold.

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Good luck with your Greenlight.

But I want to give you some tips:

You may get lots of negative comments, better ignore them, only respond to those who sound like they could be reasoned with, otherwise you just make it worse.

If you get greenlit, the release of the game is the point you will get the most attention so you should spend most time preparing for that moment and get everything right then.

You could improve the visuals by just playing with the settings a bit, try changing ambient light, fog, postFX etc can visually give quite an improvement, at the moment it is all very lit with high contast and very strong colors, I would try to tone it down overall a bit.

You seem to have a low FOV, this makes the player feel a bit cramped, I found to be a FOV of 90 ideal for FPS games, this is also what most games use.

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I forgot the most important thing, find people to playtest with, testing the game under realistic conditions is most important, since only then you can see if the gameplay really works, is balanced and is fun.

PS: The blogs section is supposed to be for announcements and updates, not so much the general discussion forum. Here: http://forums.torque3d.org/viewforum.php?f=8

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change two skills, weapon and monsters behavior. modify minimap and some gui.

1. VACUUM BOMB. All enemys in radius move to centre. If collide with wall or terrain get damage and stun. More speed - more damage and stun time.

2. TELEPORT SHOT. add debuff "SLOW" and tower aggro.

3. Neutral monsters: when character hit monster he regenerate part of health and energy.

when health of monster < 20% he always show on mini map. After kill monster from him drop two runes of random skills and

spawn new wave of friendly creeps.

4. minimap: color of icon equal color of player nickname. control character have yellow arrow and more bright icon.

5. GUI help control and skills.

6. mini icons of debuffs.

7. draw bar of current health under value of get damge.

8. shoot down the bullet due to mana if the primary weapon is still in cooldown.

9. team chat - ENTER, global - SHIFT ENTER. When a message arrives chat shows and after a time hiding.

10. time in game and in chat messages.

11. when deny friendly player - show exclamation point and chat message.


Please, vote this game on greenlight! :oops:


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