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change groundcover via script


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Depends on what you want to change.

You could change the various static fields, which should trigger network updates and propagate to the client(though you may see the grass dissapear and re-populate).

Is there a particular thing you're trying to change/edit?

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This is not directly possible, since the groundcover is procedurally generated on a specific terrain material, but what you can do is changing the terrain material, this will also change or remove the groundcover on it, the problem with terrain is, it is not networked.

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Can you clarify the difficulty you had with getting it working? Changing the painting on the terrain SHOULD(the most dangerous of words, haha) have gotten it to locally update the distributed ground cover, so if it didn't, we can try and dial in on where it's going weird.

Did you get the painting part to work? If so, is the ground cover not updating when you do it?

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  • 2 weeks later...


sorry for the delay!

but the problem is, that i dont have that much knowledge to change it with c++.

So i need to make it with the standard torque script - but i dont know how to change the texture from the terrain at live time.

So it would be nice if you could help me :)

Thanks a lot and have a nice day!

Greetings Robert

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  • 2 months later...


now i got it -> it should look like this:


function set_grass() {

  new GroundCover() {   

  Material = "grass3";
     radius = "200";
     dissolveRadius = "50";
     reflectScale = "0.25";
     gridSize = "7";
     zOffset = "0";
     seed = "1";
     maxElements = "900000";
     maxBillboardTiltAngle = "90";
     shapeCullRadius = "75";
     shapesCastShadows = "1";
     billboardUVs[0] = "0 0 1 1";
     billboardUVs[1] = "0 0 1 1";
     billboardUVs[2] = "0 0 1 1";
     billboardUVs[3] = "0 0 1 1";
     billboardUVs[4] = "0 0 1 1";
     billboardUVs[5] = "0 0 1 1";
     billboardUVs[6] = "0 0 1 1";
     billboardUVs[7] = "0 0 1 1";
     shapeFilename[0] = "art/shapes/groundCover/Grass.dds";
     invertLayer[0] = "0";
     invertLayer[1] = "0";
     invertLayer[2] = "0";
     invertLayer[3] = "0";
     invertLayer[4] = "0";
     invertLayer[5] = "0";
     invertLayer[6] = "0";
     invertLayer[7] = "0";
     probability[0] = "1";
     probability[1] = "0";
     probability[2] = "0";
     probability[3] = "0";
     probability[4] = "0";
     probability[5] = "0";
     probability[6] = "0";
     probability[7] = "0";
     sizeMin[0] = "0.1";
     sizeMin[1] = "0.1";
     sizeMin[2] = "1";
     sizeMin[3] = "1";
     sizeMin[4] = "1";
     sizeMin[5] = "1";
     sizeMin[6] = "1";
     sizeMin[7] = "1";
     sizeMax[0] = "0.5";
     sizeMax[1] = "0.5";
     sizeMax[2] = "1";
     sizeMax[3] = "1";
     sizeMax[4] = "1";
     sizeMax[5] = "1";
     sizeMax[6] = "1";
     sizeMax[7] = "1";
     sizeExponent[0] = "1";
     sizeExponent[1] = "1";
     sizeExponent[2] = "1";
     sizeExponent[3] = "1";
     sizeExponent[4] = "1";
     sizeExponent[5] = "1";
     sizeExponent[6] = "1";
     sizeExponent[7] = "1";
     windScale[0] = "1";
     windScale[1] = "1";
     windScale[2] = "1";
     windScale[3] = "1";
     windScale[4] = "1";
     windScale[5] = "1";
     windScale[6] = "1";
     windScale[7] = "1";
     maxSlope[0] = "0";
     maxSlope[1] = "0";
     maxSlope[2] = "0";
     maxSlope[3] = "0";
     maxSlope[4] = "0";
     maxSlope[5] = "0";
     maxSlope[6] = "0";
     maxSlope[7] = "0";
     minElevation[0] = "-99999";
     minElevation[1] = "-99999";
     minElevation[2] = "-99999";
     minElevation[3] = "-99999";
     minElevation[4] = "-99999";
     minElevation[5] = "-99999";
     minElevation[6] = "-99999";
     minElevation[7] = "-99999";
     maxElevation[0] = "99999";
     maxElevation[1] = "99999";
     maxElevation[2] = "99999";
     maxElevation[3] = "99999";
     maxElevation[4] = "99999";
     maxElevation[5] = "99999";
     maxElevation[6] = "99999";
     maxElevation[7] = "99999";
     minClumpCount[0] = "1";
     minClumpCount[1] = "1";
     minClumpCount[2] = "1";
     minClumpCount[3] = "1";
     minClumpCount[4] = "1";
     minClumpCount[5] = "1";
     minClumpCount[6] = "1";
     minClumpCount[7] = "1";
     maxClumpCount[0] = "1";
     maxClumpCount[1] = "1";
     maxClumpCount[2] = "1";
     maxClumpCount[3] = "1";
     maxClumpCount[4] = "1";
     maxClumpCount[5] = "1";
     maxClumpCount[6] = "1";
     maxClumpCount[7] = "1";
     clumpExponent[0] = "1";
     clumpExponent[1] = "1";
     clumpExponent[2] = "1";
     clumpExponent[3] = "1";
     clumpExponent[4] = "1";
     clumpExponent[5] = "1";
     clumpExponent[6] = "1";
     clumpExponent[7] = "1";
     clumpRadius[0] = "1";
     clumpRadius[1] = "1";
     clumpRadius[2] = "1";
     clumpRadius[3] = "1";
     clumpRadius[4] = "1";
     clumpRadius[5] = "1";
     clumpRadius[6] = "1";
     clumpRadius[7] = "1";
     windDirection = "1 0";
     windGustLength = "20";
     windGustFrequency = "0.5";
     windGustStrength = "0.5";
     windTurbulenceFrequency = "1.2";
     windTurbulenceStrength = "0.125";
     lockFrustum = "0";
     renderCells = "0";
     noBillboards = "0";
     noShapes = "0";
     position = "354.572 -7.3566 465.621";
     rotation = "1 0 0 0";
     scale = "1 1 1";
     canSave = "1";
     canSaveDynamicFields = "1";



if now the function "set_grass" is called -> your groundcover will change 8-)

i will experiment now a bit :)



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  • 3 months later...

hey there,

sorry for awake this thread - but its important for me ...

how can i use the "position" Member of GroundCover Object?

is there any way to do it with a workaround? If not ill try with areas ..

okay - would be nice if you know something about :)

Thanks a lot!



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Hi again,

okay - i have a plan now how to do it.

1. ill create triggers in the torque 3d world editor as big as the groundmaterials should be (first problem i need over 1000 trigger points).

2. then i add a groundtexture via terrain painter tool in each trigger square (second problem i need over 1000 terrainmaterials).

3. ill give them the layer 0 with full height groundcover.

4. now if i enter the trigger the layer 0 there will be another groundmaterial and so another groundcover.

okay - ill tested this - its working.

maybe you can give me some tips how it will be better? :roll:

okay - thanks alot!



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okay - i have an other plan now.

Im trying to get the function, which is there for control the paint action from the terrain painter.

But i tried almost all functions and i dont know how the function is :(

Please help a last time :)



PS: hopefully the error of your forum is not good for hackers...

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hey guys,

i find out something good...

thats how you an set the brush (for painting etc.):


ETerrainEditor.setBrushPos(getWord(%curPos, 0) + %x, getWord(%curPos, 1) + %y);


and get the brush:


%curPos = ETerrainEditor.getBrushPos();


now i just need to "paint" on the brush position... - maybe you can help me?

Thank you very much!



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Whoops, sorry! Somehow had missed this.

Ok, so just to clarify, you're trying to set the terrain texture on a spot on the terrain at runtime in the game - like, say if you built a house, and it'd put a dirt texture on the terrain so the grass wouldn't render where the house is.

Is that a correct breakdown of what you're trying to do?

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im very happy to see that someone has answered. THX!

So i just want to make the same like the terrain painter but from the script. I had an idea - set very much triggers and give them an groundlayer :(

but it is not realizable ..

i need the command to "paint" the terrain texture from the brush from "terrain painter" somewhere in the map ...

okay i hope someone could help me :)

Thanks alot!



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Bit tricky.

If you only need it during a singleplayer session, you'll want to do something similar to




+ the painting command you found earlier.

multiplayer, a naive approach would be keeping a log of all of those commands and run them for the connecting client as well. possibly using https://github.com/GarageGames/Torque3D/pull/959 (assumign it is still capable of being rolled in) to take a snapshot from before they began the loading process to cut down on how many additional updates a given terrain file would need to sync.

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Also, how fast does this need to happen? Is it going to be a constant repainting of surfaces, like in Splatoon? Or will it be a less common event like my 'build a building' example?

How often the event happen would determine how efficient we need to make it. If it's not a constant thing, then doing stuff like the log of the changes in MP az mentioned and whatnot as opposed to a more elegant solution is fine.

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