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Building a Free Library of Images for Everyone

Eric Matyas

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Hi everyone,

I've been building a library of images that you are welcome to freely use in your projects. They are all original...all my own work. I think a lot of them could be made into cool textures for games. All I ask is to be attributed as indicated on my homepage:


The images are on my "TXR" pages.

I'm adding new ones all the time, so be sure to check back often. I sincerely hope that some of them are useful. Any and all constructive feedback is welcome and always appreciated. :-)

All the best,


Edited by Eric Matyas
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Hi everyone,

I photographed a lot of cool textures last week that I'm sure could be used in all kinds of things. You'll find them here:








If anyone has requests for certain types of images, I'll be happy to keep my eyes open for them. Just let me know. :-)

Have a good week,


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Hi everyone,

A whole bunch of new seamless texture images are ready for you on the following pages:

TXR - Brick

TXR - Concrete/Pavement

TXR - Foliage

TXR - Ground

TXR - Stone

TXR - Wood

Feel free to generate maps from them (displacement, specular, etc) as needed. If you need me to create them custom for you, drop me an email...(my email address is at the bottom of my homepage.)

I hope some of them are helpful!



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This week's new free images are on my TXR - WOOD page. At the top, I've added a bunch of smooth wood images that might come in handy for interiors. Some have dents and other signs of wear.

If you scroll down (way down) to Seamless Textures, you'll find about 20 "fantasy wood" images...(I'm experimenting with creating different looks.)

Anyhow, they all live here:


I hope some of them are helpful!

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Hi everyone,

I've added about 100 new texture images. You'll find them on the following pages:

TXR - BRICK - (some new seamless "fantasy" bricks)

TXR - GROUND - (stones that could be used for riverbeds, railroad beds, etc.)

TXR - METAL - (both standard and seamless)

TXR - ROCK/STONE - (lots of cool rock textures, both standard and seamless...realistic as well as fantasy creations)

TXR - VEGETATION - (some cool ground cover that has a surreal look)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

I just began a new page of cool Sci-Fi texture images. Give it a look:


I'll be adding many more images, including skins for creatures, aliens, etc.

Any requests?

Btw, I've also had folks ask about how to credit me for my images. Please simply list me and my website under "Textures" in your credits section...there's no need to identify which images are mine...unless you really want to. :-)

Anyhow, I think this is going to evolve into a really cool page. Hope it's helpful!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

This week's new images are all seamless so they can be tiled.

The first group might be useful in sci-fi games. Feel free to scale them, mix with procedural textures or other images as needed.


The second bunch are stone textures and could be useful for walls or other structures.


Please note: On all of my texture pages, the seamless images are grouped below the standard ones so make sure to scroll down...(WAY down on the rock/stone page.)

Anyhow, I hope some of them are helpful. Have a great week!

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  • 3 weeks later...

You're very welcome!

I've just uploaded about 70 new seamless metal textures. All are 2048X2048. Some have a "camo" look and might work well for military-themed objects. Others have intriguing patterns that might look cool in fantasy-based things. And some are just plain weird looking, but what the heck...give them a look. Hopefully some of them will be helpful.


(Scroll down...they live toward the bottom of the page.)

More are on the way. :-)

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Hi everyone,

I've uploaded about 20 additional seamless metal texture images to finish out the set from last week. Each is 2048X2048. For anyone who's interested, they all came from a retired DC-7 aircraft. I Hope some of them will be helpful.


(Scroll down...they live about half way down the page.)

Have a good weekend!

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I've uploaded about 150 new texture images, seamless and standard. As always, feel free to edit as needed. You'll find them here:







Paper textures (for maps, backgrounds, etc.) are on their way as well. Hopefully I'll have a brand new page full of them by next week. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've uploaded a bunch of cool new metal, stone and bark texture images, both seamless and standard.

They are here:




I hope some of them are helpful.

Btw, my Soundimage Facebook page has been giving me trouble, so I've started a personal one:


Have a good week! :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just uploaded over 100 new stone and metal texture images, standard and seamless, that I took at a couple of archaeological sites over the weekend. I think a lot of the stone textures could work well for castles and other structures.

You'll find them here:



Have a good week! :-)

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I've uploaded about 100 new fabric texture images on my TXR - FABRIC page. They are all seamless, 2048X2048 and ready for tiling.

New fabric types include Leather, Rayon, Metal Linens, Dyed Acrylics and various weaves.

They might be useful for clothes for characters, furniture coverings, carpets, or anything else you can think of.

You'll find them here:


I hope some of them are useful! :-)

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"Spamming" isn't exactly the correct term though, is it?

Self-marketing is challenging, so it's no surprise he posts around several forums, but "spam" is unwanted, or irrelevent messages. Not legitimate and useful content that's topical like his stuff.

On topic: thanks for the added textures, especially in the gray, detail-texture format.

Also, 2 things that occur to me at this point, is 1) I think you're probably do for a site re-org. You've got a ton of good content, and sprucing your page to make it a bit better organized would be nice ;)

and 2) Something that may be worth looking at if you have the opportunity is beginning to support PBR-oriented versions of your textures. An easy way to do that is to grab the substance toolset: https://www.allegorithmic.com/. They have a Bitmap2Material tool which will read in bitmap files and generate normal maps, specular, metalness, roughness, ambient occlusion, yada yada yada. Also generates a more light neutral albedo texture off the inbound diffuse color image. Doesn't take long, and it would make it right easy to utilize those nice textures in a modern workflow to boot :D

Obviously not a requirement, but figured I'd toss the suggestion your way, as it may be something that you'd find interesting to support.

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"Spamming" isn't exactly the correct term though, is it?

Self-marketing is challenging, so it's no surprise he posts around several forums, but "spam" is unwanted, or irrelevent messages. Not legitimate and useful content that's topical like his stuff.

Yes, I was joking a bit. I was asking, if it is worth the efford.

Regarding the textures I would not recommend to edit them, if you are not a professional game designer or artist, since then the edited image would rather decrease the quality than increase it. From what I saw so far, the seamelss versions were pretty amateurish, but he is getting better. It takes me somewhere from 15 minutes up to 3 hours to make a good gameready texture and most of the time is spend in the engine testing them in different setups, correcting them, load again etc for each layer and they are still only optimized for Torque3D, so to make general purpose game ready textures you need quite some experience and even then they will mostly be special case use.

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