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Basic flyingVehicle mod


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Here’s a preview of ‘Vehiclo’, an extensive T3D mod that adds additional vehicles types, functionality and vehicular AI.

This simple mod will add a basic flyingVehicle to the ‘Full’ Template, with which you can begin your own experimentation with flyers in Torque.

This is written for T3D 3.10 but should, with a few tweaks, work in any T3D_3+ version.


Passenger/Weapon mounting not included.

By default this will make mounted players hidden

Flyers have had issues ‘sticking’ to terrain since TGE. Check this post for scripted/coded fixes:


I hope to post the complete 'Vehiculo' mods on GitHub soon, just have to work out a few more issues…

Step 1: Setup a new project using the Full template

Download these files, and extract to a new directory, art/shapes/vehicles/jetFighter


Step 2: Add these files to "art/datablocks/vehicles"


// Vehiculo
// "Gibby's Generic Jet Fighter FX"
// Basic Jet Fighter effects

// Glowing explosion Sparks 
datablock ParticleData(jetFighterExplosionSparks)
textureName          = "art/particles/SparkParticle";
dragCoefficient      = 0;
gravityCoefficient   = 0.5;
inheritedVelFactor   = 0.1;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS           = 3000;
lifetimeVarianceMS   = 500;

colors[0]     		= "0.60 0.40 0.30 1.0";
colors[1]     		= "0.60 0.40 0.30 1.0";
colors[2]    		= "1.0 0.40 0.30 0.0";
sizes[0]      		= 1.0;
sizes[1]      		= 0.4;
sizes[2]      		= 0.1;
times[0]      		= 0.0;
times[1]      		= 1.4;
times[2]      		= 2.0;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(jetFighterExplosionSparkEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS = 10;
periodVarianceMS = 0;
ejectionVelocity = 8;
velocityVariance = 2;
thetaMin         = 0.0;
thetaMax         = 180.0;
lifetimeMS       = 1000;	
overrideAdvances = false;
orientParticles  = true;
particles 		 = "jetFighterExplosionSparks";

// Explosion Smoke
datablock ParticleData(jetFighterExplosionSmoke)
textureName          	= "art/particles/smoke";
dragCoeffiecient     	= 0.7;
gravityCoefficient   	= 0.1;
inheritedVelFactor   	= 1.0;
//constantAcceleration = -0.80;
lifetimeMS           	= 10000;
lifetimeVarianceMS   	= 3000;
useInvAlpha 			=  true;
windCoefficient 		= 0.0;
colors[0]     			= "0.56 0.36 0.26 1.0";
colors[1]     			= "0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0";
colors[2]     			= "0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0";
sizes[0]      			= 10.0;
sizes[1]      			= 20.0;
sizes[2]      			= 50.0;
times[0]      			= 0.0;
times[1]      			= 0.1;
times[2]      			= 1.0;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(jetFighterExplosionSmokeEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS 	= 100;
periodVarianceMS 	= 0;
ejectionVelocity 	= 5;
velocityVariance 	= 5;
thetaMin         	= 0.0;
thetaMax         	= 180.0;
lifetimeMS       	= 1500;
particles 		 	= "jetFighterExplosionSmoke";

// jetFighter Debris Smoke
datablock ParticleData(jetFighterDebrisSmoke)
dragCoefficient      = 0.0;
//gravityCoefficient   = -0.1;
gravityCoefficient   = 0.1;
inheritedVelFactor   = 0.2;
windCoefficient      = 0.3;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS           = 4000;
lifetimeVarianceMS   = 1500;
useInvAlpha          = true;
spinRandomMin        = -90.0;
spinRandomMax        = 90.0;
textureName          = "art/particles/smoke";
colors[0]     		= "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.8";
colors[1]     		= "0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6";
colors[2]     		= "0.9 0.9 0.9 0.0";
sizes[0]     		= 0.5;
sizes[1]      		= 1.0;
sizes[2]      		= 2.0;
times[0]      		= 0.0;
times[1]      		= 0.4;
times[2]      		= 1.0;
datablock ParticleEmitterData(jetFighterDebrisSmokeEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS 	= 20;
periodVarianceMS 	= 0;
ejectionVelocity 	= 1;
velocityVariance 	= 1.0;
ejectionOffset   	= 0.0;
thetaMin         	= 0;
thetaMax         	= 35;
phiReferenceVel  	= 0;
phiVariance      	= 10;
overrideAdvances 	= false;
particles 			= "jetFighterDebrisSmoke";
lifetimeMS 			= 10000;
lifetimeVarianceMS   = 2000;

// Contrail smoke
datablock ParticleData(jetFighterContrailParticle)
dragCoefficient      = 1.5;
gravityCoefficient   = 0;
inheritedVelFactor   = 0.2;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS           = 2000;
lifetimeVarianceMS   = 0;
textureName          = "art/particles/dustParticle";
colors[0]     		 = "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5";
colors[1]     		 = "0.2 0.2 0.2 0";
sizes[0]      		 = 0.6;
sizes[1]      		 = 2;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(jetFighterContrailEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS = 10;
periodVarianceMS = 0;
ejectionVelocity = 1;
velocityVariance = 1.0;
ejectionOffset   = 0.0;
thetaMin         = 0;
thetaMax         = 10;
phiReferenceVel  = 0;
phiVariance      = 360;
overrideAdvances = false;
particles 		 = "jetFighterContrailParticle";

// jetFighter damage smoke

datablock ParticleData(jetFighterDamageSmokeParticle)
dragCoefficient      = 0.0;
gravityCoefficient   = 0.1;
inheritedVelFactor   = 0.5;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS           = 1500;
lifetimeVarianceMS   = 200;
useInvAlpha          = true;
spinRandomMin        = -90.0;
spinRandomMax        = 90.0;
textureName          = "art/particles/dustParticle";	
colors[0]     		= "0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0";
colors[1]     		= "0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7";
colors[2]     		= "0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0";
sizes[0]      		= 1.2;
sizes[1]      		= 2.6;
sizes[2]      		= 4.0;
times[0]      		= 0.0;
times[1]      		= 0.5;
times[2]      		= 1.0;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(jetFighterDamageSmoke)
ejectionPeriodMS 	= 30;
periodVarianceMS 	= 6;
ejectionVelocity 	= 4.0;
velocityVariance 	= 0.5;
ejectionOffset   	= 1.5;
thetaMin         	= 0;
thetaMax         	= 35;
overrideAdvances 	= false;
particles 		 	= "jetFighterDamageSmokeParticle";

// Flying jet smoke 
datablock ParticleData(jetFighterParticle)
dragCoefficient      	= 1.5;
gravityCoefficient   	= 0;
inheritedVelFactor   	= 0.2;
constantAcceleration 	= 0.0;
lifetimeMS           	= 1000;
lifetimeVarianceMS   	= 200;
useInvAlpha          	= true;
textureName          	= "art/particles/dustParticle";
colors[0]     			= "0.96 0.96 0.96 0.6";
colors[1]     			= "0.3 0.3 0.3 0";
sizes[0]      			= 1;
sizes[1]      			= 6;
//times[0] 				= 0.0;
//times[1] 				= 0.4;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(jetFighterJetEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS = 15;
periodVarianceMS = 0;
ejectionVelocity = 20;
velocityVariance = 1.0;
ejectionOffset   = 0.0;
thetaMin         = 0;
thetaMax         = 10;
phiReferenceVel  = 0;
phiVariance      = 360;
overrideAdvances = false;
particles 		= "jetFighterParticle";

// Lift off smoke (vertical)
datablock ParticleData(jetFighterParticleDown)
dragCoefficient      = 1.5;
gravityCoefficient   = 0.5;
inheritedVelFactor   = 0.2;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS           = 500;
lifetimeVarianceMS   = 50;
textureName          = "art/particles/dustParticle";
useInvAlpha          = true;
colors[0]     		= "0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6";
colors[1]     		= "0.3 0.3 0.3 0";
//colors[0]     		= "0.9 0.7 0.3 0.6";
//colors[1]     		= "0.3 0.3 0.5 0";
sizes[0]      		= 1;
sizes[1]      		= 6;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(jetFighterJetEmitterDown)
ejectionPeriodMS 	= 15;
periodVarianceMS 	= 0;
ejectionVelocity 	= 20;
velocityVariance 	= 1.0;
ejectionOffset   	= 0.0;
thetaMin         	= 0;
thetaMax         	= 10;
phiReferenceVel  	= 0;
phiVariance      	= 360;
overrideAdvances 	= false;
particles 			= "jetFighterParticleDown";

// Hover smoke
datablock ParticleData(jetFighterDust)
  dragCoefficient      = 1.0;
  gravityCoefficient   = 0.01;
  inheritedVelFactor   = 0.0;
  constantAcceleration = 0.0;
  lifetimeMS           = 1000;
  lifetimeVarianceMS   = 200;
  useInvAlpha          = true;
  spinRandomMin        = -90.0;
  spinRandomMax        = 500.0;
  textureName          = "art/particles/dustParticle";   
  colors[0]     		= "0.46 0.36 0.26 0.0";
  colors[1]     		= "0.46 0.46 0.36 0.9";
  colors[2]     		= "0.46 0.46 0.36 0.4";
  sizes[0]      		= 3.2;
  sizes[1]      		= 4.6;
  sizes[2]      		= 7.0;
  times[0]      		= 0.0;
  times[1]      		= 0.5;
  times[2]      		= 1.0;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(jetFighterDustEmitter)
  ejectionPeriodMS = 15;
  periodVarianceMS = 0;
  ejectionVelocity = 15.0;
  velocityVariance = 0.0;
  ejectionOffset   = 0.0;
  thetaMin         = 90;
  thetaMax         = 90;
  phiReferenceVel  = 0;
  phiVariance      = 360;
  overrideAdvances = false;
  //useEmitterColors = true;
  particles 		= "jetFighterDust";

// Foam Smoke
datablock ParticleData(jetFighterFoamParticle)
  dragCoefficient      = 2.0;
  gravityCoefficient   = -0.05;
  inheritedVelFactor   = 0.0;
  constantAcceleration = 0.0;
  lifetimeMS           = 1200;
  lifetimeVarianceMS   = 400;
  useInvAlpha          = false;
  spinRandomMin        = -90.0;
  spinRandomMax        = 500.0;
  textureName          = "art/particles/dustParticle";   
  colors[0]     		= "0.7 0.8 1.0 1.0";
  colors[1]     		= "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.5";
  colors[2]     		= "0.7 0.8 1.0 0.0";
  sizes[0]      		= 2;
  sizes[1]      		= 4;
  sizes[2]      		= 6;
  times[0]     		= 0.0;
  times[1]      		= 0.5;
  times[2]     		= 1.0;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(jetFighterFoamEmitter)
  ejectionPeriodMS = 40;
  periodVarianceMS = 0;
  ejectionVelocity = 10.0;
  velocityVariance = 1.0;
  ejectionOffset   = 0.0;
  thetaMin         = 85;
  thetaMax         = 85;
  phiReferenceVel  = 0;
  phiVariance      = 360;
  overrideAdvances = false;
  particles 		= "jetFighterFoamParticle";

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------

datablock ParticleData(jetFighterExplosionParticle)
  dragCoefficient      = 2;
  gravityCoefficient   = 0.2;
  inheritedVelFactor   = 0.9;
  constantAcceleration = 0.0;
  lifetimeMS           = 6000;
  lifetimeVarianceMS   = 800;
  textureName          = "art/particles/dustParticle";   
  colors[0]     		= "0.86 0.36 0.26 1.0";
  colors[1]    	 	= "0.70 0.36 0.26 0.5";
  colors[2]    		 = "0.56 0.36 0.26 0.0";
  sizes[0]      		= 8.5;
  sizes[1]      		= 11.5;
  sizes[2]      		= 17.0;

datablock ParticleEmitterData(jetFighterExplosionEmitter)
  ejectionPeriodMS = 12;
  periodVarianceMS = 0;
  ejectionVelocity = 5;
  velocityVariance = 1.0;
  ejectionOffset   = 0.0;
  thetaMin         = 0;
  thetaMax         = 60;
  phiReferenceVel  = 0;
  phiVariance      = 360;
  overrideAdvances = false;
  particles 		= "jetFighterExplosionParticle";

datablock ExplosionData(jetFighterExplosion)
  //explosionShape 		= "art/shapes/vehicles/ship_scout/scout_debris.dts";
  playSpeed 			   = 1.0;
  particleEmitter 		= jetFighterExplosionEmitter;
  particleDensity 		= 60;
  particleRadius 		= 2; // total size of the explosion. Scale it up to have bigger explosions

  faceViewer     		= true;
  explosionScale 		= "1 1 1";

  shakeCamera 			= true;
  camShakeFreq 		   = "10.0 11.0 10.0";
  camShakeAmp 			= "1.0 1.0 1.0";
  camShakeDuration 	   = 0.5;
  camShakeRadius 		= 80.0;

  //soundProfile   		= jetFighterExplosionSound;
  emitter[0] 			   = jetFighterExplosionSparkEmitter;

datablock DebrisData(jetFighterDebris)
  explodeOnMaxBounce 	= true;
  elasticity 			= 0.15;
  friction 			= 0.5;
  lifetime 			= 7.0;
  lifetimeVariance 	= 4.0;
  minSpinSpeed 		= 40;
  maxSpinSpeed 		= 600;
  numBounces 			= 1;
  bounceVariance 	= 1;
  staticOnMaxBounce = true;
  gravModifier 		= 1.0;
  useRadiusMass 		= true;
  baseRadius 			= 1;
  velocity 			= 30.0;
  velocityVariance 	= 12.0;
  emitters[0] 		= jetFighterDebrisSmokeEmitter;




// Vehiculo
// "Gibby's Generic Get Fighter"
// A basic flying vehicle datablock

exec("./jetFighter_fx.cs"); // visual fx

datablock FlyingVehicleData( JetFighter )
  category = "Vehicles";
  shapeFile = "art/shapes/vehicles/fighterJet/fighterJet.dts";

  // 3rd person camera settings
  cameraRoll              = true;
  cameraMaxDist           = 16;
  cameraOffset            = 1.0;
  cameraLag               =  0.1;
  cameraDecay             = 1.25;

  // Rigid Body
  mass                    = 100;
  massCenter              = "0 -0.2 0";
  massBox                 = "0 0 0";
  integration             = 3;
  collisionTol            = 0.6;
  contactTol              = 0.4;

  bodyFriction            = 0;
  bodyRestitution         = 0.8;
  minRollSpeed            = 2000;
  minImpactSpeed          = 5;
  softImpactSpeed         = 3;
  hardImpactSpeed         = 15;

  // Physics

  drag                    = 0.25;

  minDrag                 = 40;
  rotationalDrag          = 20;

  // Autostabilizer
  maxAutoSpeed            = 6;
  autoAngularForce        = 400;
  autoLinearForce         = 300;
  autoInputDamping        = 0.55;

  // Maneuvering
  maxSteeringAngle        = 3;
  powerSteering           = true;  // Power Steering 
  steeringReturn          = 0;     // Steering return-to-center
  steeringReturnSpeedScale = 0.01; // Steering return-to-center scale
  horizontalSurfaceForce  = 20;
  verticalSurfaceForce    = 20;
  maneuveringForce        = 6400;
  steeringForce           = 500;
  steeringRollForce       = 200;
  rollForce               = 10;
  hoverHeight             = 0.5;
  createHoverHeight       = 0.5;
  maxForwardSpeed         = 150;

  // Vertical jetting
  minJetEnergy            = 5;
  jetForce                = 750;
  jetEnergyDrain          = 5;
  vertThrustMultiple      = 10.0;

  // Object Impact Damage
  collDamageThresholdVel = 10.0;
  collDamageMultiplier   = 0.05;   
  minImpactSpeed = 10;         // If hit ground at speed above this then it's an impact. Meters / second
  speedDamageScale = 0.5;       // war 0.06   

  // Misc
  computeCRC = true;

  // Damage/Energy
maxDamage = 500;              // total damage until explosion
maxEnergy = 5000;              // Afterburner and any energy weapon pool
//energyPerDamagePoint = 160;
  destroyedLevel = 1.40;
  rechargeRate = 50;          // Afterburner recharge rate was 0.41

  // Emitters
  forwardJetEmitter       = jetFighterJetEmitter;
  backwardJetEmitter      = jetFighterJetEmitter;
  downJetEmitter          = jetFighterJetEmitterDown;
  trailEmitter            = jetFighterContrailEmitter;
  minTrailSpeed           = 10;
  //splashEmitter = VehicleFoamEmitter; 	// water splash stuff
  //dustEmitter = DustEmitter; // dust emitter when hovering over the ground
  //triggerDustHeight = 8;
  //dustHeight = 8;

  // Sounds
  engineSound             = genericJetEngineSound;//FighterEngineSnd;
  //jetSound                = genericJetThrustSound; //FighterJettingSnd;
  softImpactSound         = softImpact;
  hardImpactSound         = hardImpact;
  // Velocities
  softSplashSoundVelocity     = 10.0;
  mediumSplashSoundVelocity   = 15.0;
  hardSplashSoundVelocity     = 20.0;
  exitSplashSoundVelocity     = 10.0;

  // Damage emitters
  damageEmitter[0]         = jetFighterDamageSmoke;
  damageEmitter[1]         = HeavyDamageSmoke;
  damageEmitter[2]         = DestroyedDamageSmoke;
  damageEmitterOffset[0]   = "0 0 0";
  damageLevelTolerance[0]  = 0.3;
  damageLevelTolerance[1]  = 0.7;
  damageLevelTolerance[2]  = 0.9;
  numDmgEmitterAreas       = 3;

     // Explosion and debris setup
  explosion = jetFighterExplosion;
  underwaterExplosion = RocketLauncherWaterExplosion;
  explosionDamage = 40;         // How much damage is applied through a radiusDamage function call
explosionRadius = 30;         // the radius for the radiusDamage function call
  debris = jetFighterDebris;         // the debris datablock
  debrisShapeName = "art/shapes/vehicles/fighterJet/fighterJetDebris.dts"; // our debris shape (containts the explosion parts)  

  mountPose = "sitting";   


Step3: Add these lines to art/datablockExec.cs at line 65




Step4: Add these lines to Empty Terrain.mis at line 115:


   new FlyingVehicle() {
     disableMove = "0";
     isAIControlled = "0";
     dataBlock = "jetFighter";
     position = "-4.55322 -4.56358 246.531";
     rotation = "0.00621613 0.00266831 -0.999977 24.1927";
     scale = "1 1 1";
     canSave = "1";
     canSaveDynamicFields = "1";
     mountable = "1";

Step 5: Add these lines to scripts/client/default.binds.cs

at line 304:


//-->> Vehiculo
function doBoost(%val)
//<<-- Vehiculo


And this to the vehicleMap at line 762:

vehicleMap.bind(keyboard, "lshift", doBoost);

Step 6: Add this file to server/vehicles/ and execute it in scriptExec.cs:


// Vehiculo
// "Gibby's Generic Jet Fighter"
// Basic flying vehicle functionality

function jetFighter::create(%block)
  //echo("jetFighter->create called.");
%obj = new FlyingVehicle() {
	dataBlock = %block;

function jetFighter::onAdd(%this,%obj)
  Parent::onAdd( %this, %obj );

  //%obj.setRechargeRate( 25 );

function jetFighter::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col)
  //echo("jetFighter->onCollision called.");

     return;//don't do anything if we don't exist :P 

function jetFighter::onImpact(%this, %obj, %collidedObject, %vec, %vecLen)
  //echo("jetFighter->onImpact called: " @ %this SPC %obj SPC %collidedObject SPC %vec SPC %vecLen);
if(%vecLen > %obj.minImpactSpeed)
	   %obj.damage(0, VectorAdd(%obj.getPosition(), %vec), %vecLen * %this.speedDamageScale, "Impact");

function jetFighter::damage(%this, %obj, %sourceObject, %position, %damage, %damageType)
if (%obj.getDamageState() $= "Destroyed")

%name = %obj.getShapeName;
%db = %obj.getDatablock().getName();
%damageMax = %db.maxDamage;
%team = %obj.team;


if (%obj.getDamageState() $= "Destroyed")
     //Conventional Blast here
     %pos = %obj.getPosition();
     %blastPos = %pos;
     %vehicle_blast = new explosion()
		dataBlock = RocketLauncherExplosion;
		position = %blastPos;


function jetFighter::onDamage(%this, %obj, %delta)
  //echo("jetFighter->onDamage called.");
%damage = %obj.getDamageLevel();
%healthLeft = %this.maxDamage - %damage;
if(%damage >= %this.maxDamage)
	if (isObject(%obj))

function jetFighter::onDisabled(%this,%obj,%state)
  //echo("jetFighter->onDisabled called.");

// Release the main weapon trigger

// Schedule corpse removal. Just keeping the place clean.
%obj.schedule(1, "startFade", 1, 0, true);
%obj.schedule(1, "delete");

$FlyerDamageWater 		= 1.4;
$FlyerDamageLava 		= 1.4;
$FlyerDamageHotLava 	= 1.4;
$FlyerDamageCrustyLava 	= 1.4;

function jetFighter::onEnterLiquid(%this, %obj, %coverage, %type)
  //echo("jetFighter->onEnterLiquid called.");
	case 0: //Water
		%obj.setDamageDt($FlyerDamageWater, "Water");
	case 1: //Ocean Water
		%obj.setDamageDt($FlyerDamageWater, "Water");
	case 2: //River Water
		%obj.setDamageDt($FlyerDamageWater, "Water");
	case 3: //Stagnant Water
		%obj.setDamageDt($FlyerDamageWater, "Water");
	case 4: //Lava
		%obj.setDamageDt($FlyerDamageLava, "Lava");
	case 5: //Hot Lava
		%obj.setDamageDt($FlyerDamageHotLava, "Lava");
	case 6: //Crusty Lava
		%obj.setDamageDt($FlyerDamageCrustyLava, "Lava");
	case 7: //Quick Sand

function jetFighter::onLeaveLiquid(%this, %obj, %type)
  //echo("jetFighter->onLeaveLiquid called.");

Step 7: Change this line in PlayerData::onCollision at line 176:


      if ((%db.getClassName() $= "WheeledVehicleData" || %db.getClassName() $= "FlyingVehicleData") && %obj.mountVehicle && %obj.getState() $= "Move" && %col.mountable)


Step 8: Add this line to the PlayerData::onMount function in scripts/server/player.cs at line 66:


     %obj.isHidden = true;

Step 9: Add these lines to the PlayerData::onUnmount function in scripts/server/player.cs at line 88:

  %obj.isHidden = false;

  if(%obj.getClassName() $= "Player")
     commandToClient(%obj.client, 'toggleVehicleMap', true);


Step 10: Add this line to scripts/server/scriptExec.cs at line 54:




Run the game, play the ‘Empty Terrain’ mission and look to your left. Bump into the flyer and you’re airborne!

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