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possible bug re: saving forest objects


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Just started messing around with a forest in my current T3D build (haven't updated in a couple of weeks, sorry if it's been fixed) and I noticed I could place a forest and add a few trees, but on save and reload my forest would be gone.

On further investigation it turned out to be what looks like a bug, easily solved. When you initially create the forest, it gets saved, empty, to a new .forest file. However, when you save the mission, in tools/forestEditor/main.cs it calls "theForest.saveDataFile()" with no argument.

Unfortunately, in forest.cpp, the saveDataFile console method expects a path, and if it finds none it apparently sends an empty string rather than a null on to the saveDataFile engine function, which then resets its mDataFileName to "" instead of the useful path it had before.

I fixed this locally by the following change to the console method.

Instead of this:


DefineConsoleMethod( Forest, saveDataFile, void, (const char * path), (""), "saveDataFile( [path] )" )
   object->saveDataFile( path );


I made it this:


DefineConsoleMethod( Forest, saveDataFile, void, (const char * path), (""), "saveDataFile( [path] )" )
  if (strlen(path)>0)
   object->saveDataFile( path );


Which seems to work fine.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was toying with the forest editor and don't have "bugs". I tested in a clean 3.6.3 and development version. I add a forest and mixes trees from the library/meshes, save and the forest still there.

What version do you have, development or 3.6.3? Are you using default models or custom one?

can you create a new project with the same template you used? and check if you still have the bug.

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