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Shader Problem


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Hello Friends,

i have a little Problem again :P

i have a custom shader and want it to be shown at a shape. So i tried the following (in art/shapes/cube/material.cs):


singleton Material(cube_GridMaterial)
	mapTo = "GridMaterial";
	diffuseMap[0] = "grid";
	normalMap[0] = "";
	specularMap[0] = "";
	diffuseColor[0] = "1 1 1 1";
	specular[0] = "0.9 0.9 0.9 1";
	specularPower[0] = 0.415939;
	pixelSpecular[0] = false;
	shader = BumpCubemap;
new ShaderData( BumpCubemap )
    DXVertexShaderFile     = "shaders/custom/HLSL/Toksvig_NormalMaps.hlsl";
    DXPixelShaderFile     = "shaders/custom/HLSL/Toksvig_NormalMaps.hlsl";
    pixVersion = 1.1;


But it doesnt work :/

EDIT: and with the standard shaders it also doesnt work...

Maybe you can help me for that - Thank you very much!

Nice Weekend and Greetings!


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You need to use singleton CustomMaterial instead of Material. The shader thing is for CustomMaterial only.

I have my ShaderData as singleton. That may be also something you may want to change and I think it's better for that ShaderData to be defined before the CustomMaterial that uses it.

Now that I think about it, I don't recall default templates using any example CustomMaterial. Maybe one should be added as reference in one of the new modules.

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sorry im not getting it to work :?

but i will describe what ive done:

first i write the followig material into a cube material (art/shapes/cube/material.cs):


singleton CustomMaterial( cubicReflector )  
shader = cubicReflection;  


and then i go to shaders file (scripts/client/shaders.cs) - and add the following (for example):


singleton ShaderData( cubicReflection )  
    DXVertexShaderFile   = "shaders/common/basicCloudsV.hlsl";  
    DXPixelShaderFile    = "shaders/common/basicCloudsP.hlsl";  
    pixVersion = 2.0;  


i know i made something wrong - but where?

Thanks for your patience ;)



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Has a relatively decent writeup. At least on the hlsl side (at time of writing, you'll need additional tweaks and files for the glsl side to support opengl rendering).

For instance,

singleton CustomMaterial( cubicReflector )  
shader = cubicReflection;  


seems to lack a mapto, which tells the material what entry it's replacing. In addition, it doesn't seem to have any input entries. Those would be sampler["name of variable in your shader file"] = "some texture input" (can be a file or a #textureTarget). Hope that helps.

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