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3.10 VS 2017 compile error + fix + questions


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For those who cannot compile the 3.10 master branch, the following fix needs to be applied.



The question this leads to is should the SC start to consider a git flow type system whereby fixes like this are applied quickly (well I mean when found and fixed) to the master branch and not just rolled into the devhead.

Assuming most people use stable versions vs cutting edge changes in devhead, would it not make sense to have bug fixes applied to these versions? while most are probably trivial, this particular problem is a show stopper, and not everyone thinks to look through individual commits of development versions to fix a 'stable' version.

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  • 5 months later...

Bumping this because I think it deserves some discussion.

Bloodknight's correct, imo. Right now 3.10, the last 'stable' version, fails to compile in VS2017 (which is also the only version of VS easily found online) and the development branch is such a moving target that I wouldn't recommend using it for any serious project. I'm not sure what the timetable is for 4.0 but I think there needs to be some consideration given towards releasing a 3.11 or 'maintenance' update to bring the current stable build closer to the development branch. I think we're asking an awful lot for new users (or any users, really) to cherry pick and backport fixes from the current development branch into their own master (stable) copies of 3.10 just to get it compiling (in addition to all of the other stuff that goes into setting up T3D).

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The plan is that with 4.0, we'll shift to a much more iterative, faster release schedule, since the major systems have been updated, so there's less gigantic chunk-projects to have a go at at a time.

That said, I hadn't thought about it, but it's absolutely a fair point that something like the VS2017 hotfix should be, well, hotfixed into a release build since it's affected by compiler updates.

There were one or two other PRs that should probably be hotfixed in alongside, so I'll get that sorted out and get a 3.10.1 up with those so people can compile on 2017 without a problem.(Of course, it'd be nice if MS would stop breaking things ;) )

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For those who cannot compile the 3.10 master branch, the following fix needs to be applied.



The question this leads to is should the SC start to consider a git flow type system whereby fixes like this are applied quickly (well I mean when found and fixed) to the master branch and not just rolled into the devhead.

Assuming most people use stable versions vs cutting edge changes in devhead, would it not make sense to have bug fixes applied to these versions? while most are probably trivial, this particular problem is a show stopper, and not everyone thinks to look through individual commits of development versions to fix a 'stable' version.


Point on the hotfix, definately agreed there. Going to have to object to offloading the 'this breaks' from 'we forgot to update a lib' to 'yeah, so we're hotlinking to a library and they just rewrote their interfaces'. unless I've overlooked a gitflow mechanism to lock a given deriving project into a specifiable point-release...

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@JeffR - Excellent!

And not to add another thing to the pile but I just updated VS2017 tonight and compilation broke again thanks to the template issue. MS bumped the version number (MSC_VER = 1912 now) so the hack that targeted 1910 stopped working. Quick fix, of course, but just another thing to deal with.

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