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Strange T3D 3.10 Problem.


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I downloaded T3D 3.10 today, unzipped it and ran the exe file.

When I play the game, the editor either looks just black or with weird rainbow looking colours. It is crashing now so can't even take a screenshot.

My system specs:

Processor Intel® Core i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz, 2197 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)

Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB

GPU 1: Name NVIDIA GeForce 820M

GPU 2: Name Intel® HD Graphics 5500


Running it with the NVIDIA GPU just crashes. Only the intel works but with that weird effect.

Any Ideas ?


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Same problem with 3.9.

Won't even go past the Loading Mission file screen. Keeps crashing.

There's an older version I'm using that doesn't have the 'replays' option.

That one works fine, no so sure what the version number is.

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In 3.10 can you try and run it with openGL in the Options? Either of those GPUs should be able to run it, though it's strange that they are similar in performance. I'm pretty sure that from 3.9 started implementing Directx11, this is why I wanted to see if it would run in OpenGL. I take it you have newest drivers for both GPUs?

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Now it can't even load the world editor.

Very strange.

I'm updating my GeForce Gameready Driver to 384.94 (24/07/2017)

Let's hope it solves the problem, but I doubt the driver is the problem.

It just crashes and won't start up. Even after changing it to open GL

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Here is my console.log


//-------------------------- 7/31/2017 -- 04:36:14 -----
Processor Init:
   Unknown x86 Compatible, ~2.20 Ghz
   HT detected
   MP detected [2 cores, 4 logical, 1 physical]
Math Init:
   Installing Standard C extensions
   Installing Assembly extensions
Initializing platform...
Input Init:
DebugDrawer Enabled!
GFX Init:
   Null device found
   Direct 3D (version 11.x) device found
   Direct 3D (version 9.x) device found
   OpenGL device found
GFXStringEnumTranslate: Unassigned value in GFXStringTextureFormat: 22
GFXStringEnumTranslate: Unassigned value in GFXStringTextureFormat: 23
--------- Loading DIRS ---------
--------- Parsing Arguments ---------
UDP initialized on ipv4 IP:
Attempting to create GFX device: Intel® HD Graphics 5500 (D3D9) [\\.\DISPLAY1]
Device created, setting adapter and enumerating modes
   Cur. D3DDevice ref count=1
   Pix version detected: 3.000000
   Vert version detected: 3.000000
   Maximum number of simultaneous samplers: 16
   Number of simultaneous render targets: 4
   Hardware occlusion query detected: Yes
   Using Direct3D9Ex: No
WMIVideoInfo: DxDiag initialized
Initializing GFXCardProfiler (D3D9)
   o Chipset : 'INTEL'
   o Card    : 'Intel® HD Graphics 5500'
   o Version : ''
   o VRAM    : 128 MB
   - Scanning card capabilities...
GFXCardProfiler (D3D9) - Setting capability 'autoMipMapLevel' to 1.
GFXCardProfiler (D3D9) - Setting capability 'maxTextureWidth' to 8192.
GFXCardProfiler (D3D9) - Setting capability 'maxTextureHeight' to 8192.
GFXCardProfiler (D3D9) - Setting capability 'maxTextureSize' to 8192.
GFXCardProfiler (D3D9) - Setting capability 'lerpDetailBlend' to 1.
GFXCardProfiler (D3D9) - Setting capability 'fourStageDetailBlend' to 1.
GFXCardProfiler (D3D9) - Setting capability 'independentMrtBitDepth' to 1.
   - Loading card profiles...
      - Loaded card profile core/profile/D3D9.cs
      - No card profile core/profile/D3D9.INTEL.cs exists
      - No card profile core/profile/D3D9.INTEL.IntelRHDGraphics5500.cs exists
      - No card profile core/profile/D3D9.INTEL.IntelRHDGraphics5500..cs exists
NamedTexTarget::registerWithName( ssaoMask ) Already used!
NamedTexTarget::registerWithName( bloomFinal ) Already used!
NamedTexTarget::registerWithName( adaptedLum ) Already used!
% - PostFX Manager - Executing core/scripts/client/postFx/default.postfxpreset.cs
% - PostFX Manager - Applying from preset
% - PostFX Manager - PostFX enabled
core/scripts/gui/messageBoxes/messageBox.ed.cs (23): string always evaluates to 0.
 % - Initialized Core
--------- Initializing Directory: scripts ---------
SFXSystem::createDevice - created OpenAL device 'OpenAL Soft'
   Provider: OpenAL
   Device: OpenAL Soft
   Hardware: No
   Buffers: 16
--------- Initializing Full: Server Scripts ---------
--------- Initializing Full: Client Scripts ---------
--------- Initializing Lighting Systems ---------
core/scripts/client/lighting/shadowMaps/init.cs (0): Cannot re-declare object [blurDepthShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (25): Cannot re-declare object [AL_VectorLightState].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (61): Cannot re-declare object [AL_VectorLightShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (80): Cannot re-declare object [AL_VectorLightMaterial].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (101): Cannot re-declare object [AL_ConvexLightState].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (137): Cannot re-declare object [AL_PointLightShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (157): Cannot re-declare object [AL_PointLightMaterial].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (176): Cannot re-declare object [AL_SpotLightShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (196): Cannot re-declare object [AL_SpotLightMaterial].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (216): Cannot re-declare object [AL_DefaultPrePassMaterial].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (230): Cannot re-declare object [AL_DefaultShadowMaterial].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (253): Cannot re-declare object [AL_ParticlePointLightShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shaders.cs (0): Cannot re-declare object [AL_ParticlePointLightMaterial].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/lightViz.cs (24): Cannot re-declare object [AL_DepthVisualizeState].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/lightViz.cs (35): Cannot re-declare object [AL_DefaultVisualizeState].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/lightViz.cs (51): Cannot re-declare object [AL_DepthVisualizeShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/lightViz.cs (87): Cannot re-declare object [AL_GlowVisualizeShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/lightViz.cs (108): Cannot re-declare object [AL_NormalsVisualizeShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/lightViz.cs (144): Cannot re-declare object [AL_LightColorVisualizeShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/lightViz.cs (179): Cannot re-declare object [AL_LightSpecularVisualizeShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shadowViz.cs (23): Cannot re-declare object [AL_ShadowVisualizeShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shadowViz.cs (37): Cannot re-declare object [AL_ShadowVisualizeMaterial].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/shadowViz.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [AL_ShadowVizOverlayCtrl].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/deferredShading.cs (24): Cannot re-declare object [AL_DeferredShadingState].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/deferredShading.cs (40): Cannot re-declare object [AL_DeferredShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/deferredShading.cs (73): Cannot re-declare object [AL_ColorBufferShader].
core/scripts/client/lighting/advanced/deferredShading.cs (114): Cannot re-declare object [AL_SpecMapShader].
Using Advanced Lighting
Attempting to set resolution to "1280 720 false 32 60 4"
Accepted Mode: 
--Resolution : 1280 720
--Full Screen : No
--Bits Per Pixel : 32
--Refresh Rate : 60
--FSAA Level : 4
GFXPCD3D9Device::reset - depthstencil 5496118 has 2 ref's
--- Resetting D3D Device ---
GFXPCD3D9Device::reset - depthstencil 5493a18 has 2 ref's
--- Resetting D3D Device ---
processBind: unknown device: oculusvr
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/terrains/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/roads/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/environment/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/Cheetah/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/trees/defaulttree/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/weapons/ProxMine/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/weapons/shared/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/weapons/Grenade/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/weapons/Lurker/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/weapons/Ryder/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/weapons/Turret/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/actors/common/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/actors/Soldier/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/actors/Soldier/FP/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/teleporter/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/station/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/cube/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/shapes/items/kit/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/lights/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/skies/night/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/skies/Desert_Sky/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/decals/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/art/ribbons/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/core/scripts/client/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/core/art/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/core/art/shapes/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/core/art/grids/materials.cs!
Missing file: Torque3D-310-WinBinaries/core/art/skies/blank/materials.cs!
UDP initialized on ipv4 IP:
 % - Initializing Tools
 % - Initializing Tools Base
 % - Initializing Base Editor
 % - Initializing World Editor
 % - Initializing Sketch Tool
 - Initializing Datablock Editor
 % - Initializing Debugger
 % - Initializing Decal Editor
 % - Initializing Forest Editor
 % - Initializing Gui Editor
 % - Initializing Material Editor
 % - Initializing Mesh Road Editor
 % - Initializing Mission Area Editor
 % - Initializing Navigation Editor
SimObject::linkNamespaces -- Namespace linkage already in place NavEditorConsoleListener
 % - Initializing Particle Editor
 % - Initializing Physics Tools
No physics plugin exists.
 % - Initializing River Editor
 - Initializing Road and Path Editor
 % - Initializing Shape Editor
 - Initializing Datablock Editor
tools/datablockEditor/DatablockEditorTreeWindow.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [DatablockEditorTreeWindow].
tools/datablockEditor/DatablockEditorInspectorWindow.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [DatablockEditorInspectorWindow].
tools/datablockEditor/DatablockEditorCreatePrompt.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [DatablockEditorCreatePrompt].
tools/datablockEditor/main.cs (43): Cannot re-declare object [DatablockEditorPlugin].
tools/datablockEditor/main.cs (49): Cannot re-declare object [unlistedDatablocks].
 % - Initializing Sketch Tool
tools/convexEditor/convexEditorGui.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [ConvexEditorGui].
tools/convexEditor/convexEditorToolbar.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [ConvexEditorToolbar].
tools/convexEditor/main.cs (42): Cannot re-declare object [ConvexEditorPlugin].
 % - Initializing River Editor
tools/riverEditor/RiverEditorGui.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [RiverEditorGui].
tools/riverEditor/RiverEditorToolbar.gui (1): Cannot re-declare object [RiverEditorToolbar].
tools/riverEditor/RiverEditorToolbar.gui (266): Cannot re-declare object [RiverDefaultWidthSliderCtrlContainer].
tools/riverEditor/RiverEditorToolbar.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [RiverDefaultDepthSliderCtrlContainer].
tools/riverEditor/main.cs (43): Cannot re-declare object [RiverEditorPlugin].
 % - Initializing Material Editor
tools/materialEditor/gui/guiMaterialPreviewWindow.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [MaterialEditorPreviewWindow].
tools/materialEditor/gui/guiMaterialPreviewWindow.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [matEd_cubemapEditor].
tools/materialEditor/gui/guiMaterialPreviewWindow.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [matEd_addCubemapWindow].
tools/materialEditor/gui/guiMaterialPropertiesWindow.ed.gui (2): Cannot re-declare object [MaterialEditorGui].
tools/materialEditor/gui/guiMaterialPropertiesWindow.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [matEdNonModalGroup].
 % - Initializing Particle Editor
tools/particleEditor/ParticleEditor.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [PE_Window].
tools/particleEditor/main.cs (41): Cannot re-declare object [ParticleEditorPlugin].
tools/particleEditor/main.cs (55): Cannot re-declare object [ParticleEditor].
tools/particleEditor/main.cs (57): Cannot re-declare object [PE_EmitterSaver].
tools/particleEditor/main.cs (58): Cannot re-declare object [PE_ParticleSaver].
tools/particleEditor/main.cs (60): Cannot re-declare object [PE_UnlistedParticles].
tools/particleEditor/main.cs (61): Cannot re-declare object [PE_UnlistedEmitters].
 % - Initializing Mission Area Editor
tools/missionAreaEditor/missionAreaEditorGui.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [MissionAreaEditorGui].
tools/missionAreaEditor/main.cs (40): Cannot re-declare object [MissionAreaEditorPlugin].
 - Initializing Road and Path Editor
tools/roadEditor/RoadEditorGui.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [RoadEditorGui].
tools/roadEditor/RoadEditorToolbar.gui (1): Cannot re-declare object [RoadEditorToolbar].
tools/roadEditor/RoadEditorToolbar.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [RoadDefaultWidthSliderCtrlContainer].
tools/roadEditor/main.cs (43): Cannot re-declare object [RoadEditorPlugin].
 % - Initializing Physics Tools
No physics plugin exists.
 % - Initializing Mesh Road Editor
tools/meshRoadEditor/meshRoadEditorGui.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [MeshRoadEditorGui].
tools/meshRoadEditor/meshRoadEditorToolbar.gui (1): Cannot re-declare object [MeshRoadEditorToolbar].
tools/meshRoadEditor/meshRoadEditorToolbar.gui (265): Cannot re-declare object [MeshRoadDefaultWidthSliderCtrlContainer].
tools/meshRoadEditor/meshRoadEditorToolbar.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [MeshRoadDefaultDepthSliderCtrlContainer].
tools/meshRoadEditor/main.cs (42): Cannot re-declare object [MeshRoadEditorPlugin].
 % - Initializing Decal Editor
tools/decalEditor/decalEditorGui.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [DecalEditorGui].
tools/decalEditor/main.cs (43): Cannot re-declare object [DecalEditorPlugin].
tools/decalEditor/main.cs (58): Cannot re-declare object [DecalPMan].
 % - Initializing Forest Editor
tools/forestEditor/forestEditorGui.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [ForestEditorGui].
tools/forestEditor/forestEditToolbar.ed.gui (2): Cannot re-declare object [ForestEditToolbar].
tools/forestEditor/forestEditToolbar.ed.gui (348): Cannot re-declare object [ForestBrushSizeSliderCtrlContainer].
tools/forestEditor/forestEditToolbar.ed.gui (378): Cannot re-declare object [ForestBrushPressureSliderCtrlContainer].
tools/forestEditor/forestEditToolbar.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [ForestBrushHardnessSliderCtrlContainer].
tools/forestEditor/main.cs (44): Cannot re-declare object [ForestEditorPlugin].
tools/forestEditor/main.cs (50): Cannot re-declare object [ForestTools].
 % - Initializing Debugger
tools/debugger/gui/breakConditionDlg.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [DebuggerBreakConditionDlg].
tools/debugger/gui/connectDlg.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [DebuggerConnectDlg].
tools/debugger/gui/editWatchDlg.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [DebuggerEditWatchDlg].
tools/debugger/gui/findDlg.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [DebuggerFindDlg].
tools/debugger/gui/debugger.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [DebuggerGui].
tools/debugger/gui/watchDlg.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [DebuggerWatchDlg].
 % - Initializing Navigation Editor
tools/navEditor/NavEditorGui.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [NavEditorGui].
tools/navEditor/NavEditorToolbar.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [NavEditorToolbar].
tools/navEditor/NavEditorConsoleDlg.gui (2): Cannot re-declare object [NavEditorConsoleDlg].
tools/navEditor/NavEditorConsoleDlg.gui (109): Cannot re-declare object [NavEditorConsoleListener].
tools/navEditor/CreateNewNavMeshDlg.gui (2): Cannot re-declare object [CreateNewNavMeshDlg].
tools/navEditor/main.cs (56): Cannot re-declare object [NavEditorPlugin].
 % - Initializing Gui Editor
tools/guiEditor/gui/guiEditor.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [GuiEditorGui].
tools/guiEditor/gui/guiEditorNewGuiDialog.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [GuiEditorNewGuiDialog].
tools/guiEditor/gui/guiEditorPrefsDlg.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [GuiEditorPrefsDlg].
tools/guiEditor/gui/guiEditorSelectDlg.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [GuiEditorSelectDlgContainer].
tools/guiEditor/gui/EditorChooseGUI.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [EditorChooseGUI].
 % - Initializing Shape Editor
tools/shapeEditor/gui/shapeEdPreviewWindow.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [shapeEdPreviewGui].
tools/shapeEditor/gui/shapeEdAnimWindow.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [shapeEdAnimWindow].
tools/shapeEditor/gui/shapeEdAdvancedWindow.ed.gui (2): Cannot re-declare object [shapeEdAdvancedWindow].
tools/shapeEditor/gui/shapeEdAdvancedWindow.ed.gui (1763): Cannot re-declare object [shapeEdWaitGui].
tools/shapeEditor/gui/ShapeEditorToolbar.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [shapeEditorToolbar].
tools/shapeEditor/gui/shapeEdSelectWindow.ed.gui (0): Cannot re-declare object [shapeEdSelectWindow].
tools/shapeEditor/gui/shapeEdPropWindow.ed.gui (2): Cannot re-declare object [shapeEdPropWindow].
tools/shapeEditor/gui/shapeEdPropWindow.ed.gui (1405): Cannot re-declare object [GenImposterGui].
tools/shapeEditor/scripts/shapeEditorHints.ed.cs (28): Cannot re-declare object [shapeHintControls].
tools/shapeEditor/scripts/shapeEditorHints.ed.cs (0): Cannot re-declare object [shapeHintGroup].
tools/shapeEditor/main.cs (60): Cannot re-declare object [shapeEditorPlugin].
Engine initialized...
Module Manager: Started scanning ':/TORQUE SOURCE FILES/T3D 3.10 NEW/'...
Module Manager: Finished scanning ':/TORQUE SOURCE FILES/T3D 3.10 NEW/'.
Module Manager: Loading group 'Game':
Module Manager: No modules found for module group 'Game'.
Window focus status changed: focus: 1
AntiAliasing has been disabled; it is not compatible with AdvancedLighting.
Window focus status changed: focus: 0
  Using background sleep time: 200
Window focus status changed: focus: 1
Time spent in toggleEditor() : 0.328 s
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Did you extract the game dir from the zip into the same directory that the zip is in?

T3D treats zips as virtual folders, so if the zip is in the same directory as the project, it'll parse the files in the zip as well, which leads to doubling up.

Try moving the zip to a different directory and give it another shot.

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Did you extract the game dir from the zip into the same directory that the zip is in?

T3D treats zips as virtual folders, so if the zip is in the same directory as the project, it'll parse the files in the zip as well, which leads to doubling up.

Try moving the zip to a different directory and give it another shot.


I think the only conclusion here is that ...


Thank you so much. I was so worried. It was starting to affect me mentally LOL!

Did EXACTLY as you said and it worked. No more rainbow colours.

So far it works well with the Intel HD 5500 (D3D9).

About to test it with the Nvidia and Will let you know.

Once again, thanks!

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I just tested the Nvidia GPU and right off the bat I get MUCH BETTER framerates.

I'd like to ask a question:

I noticed the folder structure for 3.10 is different from the previous version I had.

It seems the root folder starts with art, core, levels, scripts e.t.c.

Whereas in the old version, the root folder has engine, templates, My projects, tools e.t.c.

Did I unzip it wrongly ? I still want to be able to generate projects using the project manager, any ideas on how I could do that ?

Many Thanks

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3.61 uses 2.1 Project Manager

To test, you can just download the 3.6.1 Full Template Package.


Extract and run the .exe

Edit: Try going back to the 3.10 and if you can get to the Menu screen, go to options and under Graphics/Video change Lighting to Lowest. This will put you at "Basic" lighting. Does it run then?

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3.61 uses 2.1 Project Manager

To test, you can just download the 3.6.1 Full Template Package.


Extract and run the .exe

Edit: Try going back to the 3.10 and if you can get to the Menu screen, go to options and under Graphics/Video change Lighting to Lowest. This will put you at "Basic" lighting. Does it run then?


Hello Jason, and thanks so much for your feedback. Here are my updates ( on T3D 3.8 & 3.10):

Nvidia 820M on lastest Update: For some reason doesn't start up at all. Crashed each time I start the project.

Intel HD 5500: Work fine with no problems.


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Are you using this download https://github.com/GarageGames/Torque3D/releases/download/3.10/Torque3D-310-WinBinaries.zip and extracting it to clean folder? just so you know the old project manager is no longer supported, the only way to build the engine from the source code is via CMake now. Anyway don't worry about building the source for now, just use the binary i linked above, extract it into a clean folder with no other version in it, if that fails to load could you please post the console.log from that.

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Are you using this download https://github.com/GarageGames/Torque3D/releases/download/3.10/Torque3D-310-WinBinaries.zip and extracting it to clean folder? just so you know the old project manager is no longer supported, the only way to build the engine from the source code is via CMake now. Anyway don't worry about building the source for now, just use the binary i linked above, extract it into a clean folder with no other version in it, if that fails to load could you please post the console.log from that.


Thanks for this. As a long time T3D user, I'm happy to be back on T3D development ! :D

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Are you using this download https://github.com/GarageGames/Torque3D/releases/download/3.10/Torque3D-310-WinBinaries.zip and extracting it to clean folder? just so you know the old project manager is no longer supported, the only way to build the engine from the source code is via CMake now. Anyway don't worry about building the source for now, just use the binary i linked above, extract it into a clean folder with no other version in it, if that fails to load could you please post the console.log from that.


Thanks for this. As a long time T3D user, I'm happy to be back on T3D development ! :D


Yeah no worries, just let us know how that binary version of 3.10 goes for you.

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After looking into it again, it seems the problem is the latest Nvidia Update.

3.6, 3.8 and 3.10 all work fine with the HD 5500 GPU.

3.6, 3.8 and 3.10 all crash with the NV820M GPU.

Definitely an Nvidia problem.

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After looking into it again, it seems the problem is the latest Nvidia Update.

3.6, 3.8 and 3.10 all work fine with the HD 5500 GPU.

The NV 820 M began crashing the T3D app right after the update yesterday.

Definitely an Nvidia problem.


What version of the NV driver do you have? Is it with both DIrect3D11 and OpenGL or only one of them?

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It definitely works with 384.94 i am running that here. Does the graphics properties in windows allow you to select which gpu to run for the individual application? perhaps NV has changed something there. I am running a dual setup myself with an onboard Intel HD 530 and an NV 10 series but it's a desktop so the switching tech is different. I did develop the Direct3D11 gfx device a lot on my laptop but it is a switchable AMD/Intel so i can't replicate your exact config here.

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