The unarguably most vital part of any base, it facilitates the construction of all other structures.
Large and well armored it can withstand much damage, but as it is the primary target of any battle it needs to be defended.
It cannot be rebuilt, exept by building a mobile consrtuction vehicle from the war factory and then deploying it.
Generates power constantly and distributes it to structures attached to the power grid.
Energy generation is relative to the damage of the powerplant, it has medium armor and is rather compact.
It is the first structure to be constructed when setting up a base and unlocks all other structures.
Enables ore trucks to collect ore and dump it at the refinery where it will be stored for later usage.
Being fairly large and complex it is always an oppertune target for any opponent, when destroyed the stored ore will be lost.
It comes provided with a ore truck, selling the structure will yeild very few return gains.
Stores excess ore from refineries.
it does not need power to function, but does drain some no less.
It is small, weak and most of all cheap, but useful for larger bases.
Trains soviet troops to be used in the field.
It is fairly small and has not much armor but is not too costly.
Has slightly more armor than its allied counterpart.
Allied soldiers are trained from this building.
Has little to no armor value but costs not much.
A concrete bunker armed with a heavy machinegun, opens fire on all enemy ground units within range.
Is relatively inexpensive and has good armor, serving the allies as the backbone of base defense.
Very effective against infantry, but not so much against other types of targets, such as tanks.
A tall tower that fires fireballs towards approaching enemies that explode on impact.
It is effective against most infantry and light vehicles, however has fairly limited range.
The fireballs launched explode violently, any units and structures near the impact will take damage too.
Assembles all ground vehicles, each faction has a different selection.
It is about one of the largest structures in the field to have but has relatively good strength, but costs relatively much.
Relies on power to be provided for production to work, or it will stall depending on how much power can be delivered.
Provides repairs for vehicles and resupply for minelayers, in addition allows vehicles to be sold.
It is a flat strucure of medium size of concrete and metal and can somewhat take a beating.
Units simply drive onto it for the action to take place.
The heavy cannon mounted on a rotating tank like turret is highly effective against armored targets.
It can take a fairly large amount of damage before becoming ineffective.
Long range early threat detection is provided by this structure, the target detection accuracy deteroirates over distance.
This rather average of averages in all stats but requires comperativly large amounts of power to opperate.
Four flak guns on a rotating platform provide air cover for allied bases.
Relatively expensive and requiring power to operate, it will require cover from ground forces.
It has inferior firepower and range compare to the sam site but takes up less space and power.
This is the soviets universal ground defence instalation.
It will discharge lightning at any units coming within its failry long range, while firing it will use up significant amounts of energy.
Large amounts of power are required to keep this structure operational and it cannot withstand heavy amounts of damage.
Provides more space efficient power production than the regular powrplant.
Is larger than the regular one but can take more damage.
When built it will unlock advanced structures and units, in addition to providing gps satelite operations.
It can withstand quite some damage but is very valuable and thus needs to be protected.
This large structure unlocks the means to build advanced units and structures.
It is fairly expensive and large but can take a good amount of damage before being destroyed.
The allies secret weapon known also as the paradox device, when fully charged it is able to bend spacetime in sufficient quantity that one unit can be transported anywhere.
It is quite small and does not have much armor, being the most expensive structure of the allies it is a priority for all commanders.
This strange looking construction, once fully charged provides the soviets with the ablity to make one unit or structure nearly invincible for a period of a few seconds.
Not fairly large in size and lacking armor it is a priorty to protect it since it also is the most expensive structure for the soviets.
The ultimate weapon, nuclear missiles are built and launched from this structure.
It has a very low profile and can take a good amount of damage before being destroyed.