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Features already included:

  • Tactical infantry combat gameply where each move counts.
  • Diveres character classes with a wide range of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Highdef terrain materials and generously sized levels.
  • Various props, some with functions that make the battlefield very interactive.

Comming features:

  • Full real time strategy gameplay that at the least will be like red alert.
  • Realistic weapons aiming with ironsight and scoped views.
  • Customizable infantry and weapons with attachements and different ammo types.
  • Capturable tech buildings that will make the battlefields a strategic nightmare.
  • Neutral vehicles that can be used for various purposes.
  • Working train system that allows for fast troop movement across the map.
  • Guerilla forces that will allign themselfs with oe or non and that will make life hard for you.
  • Interior coop missions that will force a whole new angle of strategy like never seen before.


A download for a halloween demo link is available in the forums, cba to put in link atm.

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